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Fan Fiction

Blue Squadron Chronicles, Part Two
Posted By: Hunter_Killer<jlp8118@sbcglobal.net>
Date: 18 October 2003, 12:18 AM

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Note to Readers:
      Ok, peoples. I'm stopping D-Day II, Covenant Invasion, and Halo 001. No more of em for now at least. Maybe in a few months or so...

0991 Hours, 2 May 2601(Military Calendar)
Wolf 359 System, 0.06 Light-years from Sol
Escape Pod for Longsword B Variant Blue 4

Dack watched, as the one-man escape pod he was in was hurled forward. By launching at the exact moment of detonation, his pod looked like more debris.
The Seraph ripped away, the Elite inside laughing.

Jonathan yanked the flight stick up. The Fighter nimbly dodged the Fuel Rod Plasma thrown at it by twin Covenant Fighters.
The Green blobs hit the shields of the Assault Carrier, and Jonathan shot the tiny nuke in one of his missiles at the shields. They flickered, then died.
"Whatever the hell you did, Jonathan," Said Taggart to himself, as his bombers made their final run, "Whatever you did, you did it well."
"Blue Group," Said Taggart under a secure UNSC Channel, "Return to Frigate. Launching Nukes. Detonation in 170 Seconds."
"Aye, aye. Don't wana stick around for dat! Move, people!" Jonathan's voice boomed over the comm. channel.
The Longswords all rushed back to the Frigate, and it prepared to utilize Slipspace Drives.
"Launch HAVOKs now," Taggart commanded, and 8 Nuclear Missiles ripped into the hull. "Timer engaged. Detonation in 170..."
The bombers quickly pulled up and away, back towards the Frigate. The Covenant fighters broke off their attack runs, in a state of panic.
Several red lines brightened the lateral lines on the Covenant Ship. Jonathan was at the Bridge of the Redemption, and saw this.
"Captain!" He yelled to the Commanding Officer of Frigate Redemption, Capt. White, and pointed to the viewport.
White looked, and almost jumped out of his uniform. "Pulse Lasers! Hard to Port, Ensign! NOW!!!" The Helm Officer obeyed, just a second before the lasers discharged their deadly Plasma at the ship.
The lances streaked to the side of the ship, none hitting.
White sighed. They'd all gotten incredibly lucky, and they all knew it.
The explosion went off in a brilliant flash, and a devastating Shockwave reached out for the Human Ship. "Slipspeed! NOW!!" Ordered the Captain, and the ship speeded away, only a split second before the wave ripped through where they were just at.

Ten minutes later, Jonathan's Quarters, Deck 4 Section 7, UNSC Frigate Redemption/
Well, it was the end of a nutbusting mission, and the Wing Commander had just gotten the news. Dack had called a meeting of the Squadron, at 1400 Hours today at the Squadron Briefing Room, probably something special.
Dack occasionally had something entertaining or cool [a lot of times both] for Blue Squadron; he was self-appointed Morale Officer. And he was doing a helluva job at that post! Jonathan smiled, and recorded another kill in his personal data file. Now he had 92 Confirmed Fighter Kills, 3 Eliminated Enemy Ships, and 10 Unconfirmed Kills of both kind.

1400 Hours, Blue Squadron Briefing Room, UNSC Frigate Redemption/
Jonathan stepped through the door, and it closed behind him. Most of Blue Squadron had gathered already, and most were talking amongst themselves. When he entered, the whole Squadron yelled to him, "Hey, Johnny!"
"Yo," Jonathan replied, and he took his seat. "Where's Dack?" He asked his XO.
"Dunno, said he'd be here soon..." His voice trailed off, as a jovial Dack walked in, carrying 2 Jackets on hangers.
"Ta duh!" He announced, displaying the Jackets to all the SPARTAN V Pilots.
On the front, it said
with the Confederation Flag, A Planet, with a sword and several stars circling it, at the bottom.
On the other side, it said


in big white letters.
Jonathan smiled. "This is good. I like it. What bout you guys?"
Lance wrapped his arm around Dack, and said, "looks good. Nice one, kid."
"Hey," Replied the Lt indignantly, "I'm only 4 months younger than you!"
Everyone else had similar sentiments, and soon they all had on their spiffy new squadron jackets.
Junior Flight Officer William Peters, 'Chubby' as they called him, had to get a Large size, while the rest got small or regular.
So, they headed down to the pub, with drinks on Jonathan ["YAH!!!!" Everyone cheered after hearing this]. They had a few rounds, and most stumbled back to their quarters on Deck 4. Petty Flight Officer Brett Farve had to be carried back to his quarters, out cold, by a Crewman passing by.
And so, a busy day for Blue Squadron was over. And so, the only casualty was a result of the Beer[Farve], and he'd be fine after a smidgen of rest.


NOTE: I'll do a funny quote after each fic if I can help it, Ok? Good.


       Groucho: "As secretary of War, what kind of Army do you think we should have?" Cheeko: "Well, I think we should have a standing army." G: "Why a standing Army?" C: "Cause then we save money on chairs." - Marx brothers Short Movie, 'Duck Soup', 1930s
