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Fan Fiction

The Tru7h
Posted By: Sherveen Mashayekhi<Supremestarwars@cs.com>
Date: 22 January 2004, 9:09 PM

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NOTE : While your all waiting ( i hope ) for my next fic, I decided to make a nice little poem. :)

Halo Is A Great Game,
And Halo 2 Will Be Too,
But Are We So Obssessed With This Game,
That We Dont Even See The Tru7h?

Ships, Space, and Aliens,
Do You See As I Do,
The Future Could Be As We See,
In This Beautiful Game.

Could We Travel In Space,
Like In Halo & Halo 2,
Could There Be Another Race,
One With Elites & Jackals, too?

For That, I'm Not Sure We Will Ever Know,
But What I Do Know Is A Human Creation,
No, Not The Covenant's Tru7h And Reconciliation,
But The Human Equivilant,

The Tru7h, The Tru7h Of Halo!

http://halo.jedihost.net/forums ~ Tru7h Of Halo
