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Halo2: The Covenant Wars [One Last Stand - part 1 of 2]
Posted By: Thomas Harper<madden2482@comcast.net>
Date: 16 September 2004, 12:01 AM
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Authors Note: hey sup? Since ive been at this story for a LONG time and haven't come as close as I need to in order to finish, I thought that I would split this story in half and post the first half now and then the second half when I am done with it.
The time had come. Six well-trained marines hopped into a Warthog and geared up, and as they pulled away from the base, there was no conversation. The marines had a mission to do, and as usual it had something to do with the Covenant. The mission was something new, and would test even the best marine's skills and guts. They would have to infiltrate a possible Covenant base, capture or if possible disarm a nuclear bomb and then make it to the extraction zone with out getting there ass's shot. But the big twist was that it all has to be under two hours max.
* * * * * * * * * * The Master Chief jogged out of uniform down a bare hallway and stopped in front of a pair of double doors. He waited 30 seconds and then walked in. Ten highly ranked officials stopped their conversation and stood up. The Master Chief saluted to the ten men before him, and without returning the MC's salute they all sat down. One man with dark brown hair and icy cold eyes that could slice through steel remained standing. "At ease soldier." Said the man in a gruff tone. Then when nothing else was said John dropped his salute and spoke. "Sir, you wanted to see me?" Asked John. "I don't know who told you that son but I wanted to the see the Master Chief." The Master Chief stood up straight and informed him, "Sir, I am the Master Chief." The man looked him over and then smiled. "I'm sorry Master Chief, I was just expecting.... um. ...never mine. Please have a seat." Offered the man as he motion to a chair at the head of the table. When The Master Chief was seated, the man introduced himself. "Thank you for coming Master Chief. I am Mr. Montgomery of the UNSC Intelligence and these other men work with me." The Master Chief nodded towards the men and Mr. Montgomery continued. "Now down to business. I called you here on a very important matter. The UNSC Intelligence has reason to believe that that there is a Covenant base about 10 miles north of here. I'm sure you're surprised that they have not found us yet. Or have they? Two days ago we sent one of our best pilots to investigate, and found that the Covenant had some large activities going on. It seemed that they were making a large nuclear bomb." The Master Chief interrupted, "how do you know that it's nuclear?" "Four days ago one of our many nuclear plants was broken into and one of our nuclear bombs was swiped. When we arrived the next day, we found out also that one of the workers survived the attack. He told us that the Covenant were responsible. Now at this very moment, we have six highly trained marines heading that way, and their mission is as follows. Capture the base, capture the nuclear bomb and then get the hell out of there." "Sir, I don't even think six highly trained marines are going to be able to complete this...." "Ah yes, but that is why you are here. As soon as this meeting is adjourned, you've got yourself a new mission." Interrupted Mr. Montgomery. * * * * * * * * * * The Warthog fished tailed around a muddy turn and sprayed the marines with mud. A burst of gunfire erupted from the chain gun on the back of the Warthog and three Grunts fell. One surviving Grunt ran into the track of the sliding Warthog and the back of the Warthog whipped around and slammed into the Grunt. A cheer from the marines only lasted a couple of seconds as the Warthogs headlights washed over an Elite right in their path. "Dumbass." Murmured Sergeant Herdendez with glee. The Warthog nailed the Elite head on, spraying blood across the windshield and flinging the torso against a tree. One of the marines pumped an extra round into the Elites head just to emphasize his hate. Five minutes later a 10-foot high fence loomed up ahead. Beyond that about 100 yards were four single story buildings, resembling barracks. And further north beyond the barracks a half dozen buildings rose high above all buildings surrounding them. "All right men listen up." Came the Sergeants voice from every ones earpiece. "To close for explosives, so Pvt. Lust when I give the signal, you take point and cut through the fence. Alpha team, when we get through the fence take the left two barracks and Bravo team you take the right two barracks. Hold fire until given signal." The warthog slid to a stop thirty seconds later and all the marines hopped out. Pvt. Lust jogged slowly towards the fence and pulled a wire cutter from a hip pouch. One minute later there was a man size hole in the fence that they could all fit through one at a time. Once everyone was through, Alpha team took the left, and Bravo team took the right.
* * * * * * * * * *
The Master Chief slide on his MJOLNIR armor and ran some tests to make sure that it was working. Then he rummaged through his ammo locker to pick out his weapons. He decided to take his new MA7B assault rifle fitted with a scope. He also took a handgun and slid it into his thigh pouch, and then pocketed a combat knife. A few grenades later the Master Chief was ready to go. As he stepped out into the sun, there was a pelican waiting for him with its engines whirring. Ten seconds after the MC was seated the Pelican was airborne. The speakers above the Master Chief's head crackled to life and the pilots voice reported. "Please move all trays, and seats to an upright position and fasten your seat belts. ETA for this flight is thirty minutes." The comm. link clicked off, but not before the pilot chuckled at his own joke. The Master Chief rearranged his gear next to him on another seat and leaned his head back for some R&R. You never knew when would be the next time that you got to sleep. The Master Chief woke up twenty minutes later to the pilot's voice, "Master Chief.... Master Chief! We got two Banshees on our six and closing fast." "Maintain course and hold her steady." Ordered the Master Chief. "Aye, aye." Came the reply. The Master Chief picked up his MA7B assault rifle and steadied the barrel on the first Banshee and fired twice. The first shot ricocheted off the Banshees front plate, but the second shot caught the fuel tank and the Banshee erupted into flames. The second Banshee got off two shots that missed the Master Chief by two feet. Before the Banshee could fire again the Master Chief fired to shots systematically. They both found their targets and it was the first Banshee all over again. "All clear back here." Informed the Master Chief. "All clear up here as well. Nice shooting. ETA five minutes."
* * * * * * * * * *
Alpha team crept slowly through knee high weeds for two minutes before they came within firing range of their target, and when they did, they dropped on their stomachs and waited. "Alpha team in position and waiting." Reported Alpha leader Sergeant Reece. The signal came seconds later, and they all moved in on the first building. Reece and Herdendez both took out a frag grenade and on a count of three, tossed them into different windows. The explosion came five seconds later followed by screams of terror and pain. Tension piled up on the marines as they waited. Nothing happened. Another ten seconds and nothing happened. Sergeant Reece spoke into his shoulder mike. "Blake cover the back door and gun down any of the bastards that try to sneak out. Herdendez you and me clean out the building. Move it!" Sergeant Reece and Pvt. Herdendez crossed the twenty yards to the building and stopped near where the door should have been. Instead there was a ten-foot long and six feet high hole. Herdendez poked his head around the corner, and then yanked it back. Two burst of plasma zipped through the air and past through the area were his head had been. Sergeant Reece motion to Herdendez and he took out another grenade and primed the pin off of it, and then he rolled it into the room. They covered their heads and waited for the grenade to explode, and when it did, it shook the ground under their feet and caused the roof to sag. "Go!" Shouted Sergeant Reece. Pvt. Herdendez rounded into the room and pumped four rounds into a Grunts head, and then another five into another Grunt. Gunfire erupted from the other side of the building and then some return fire. After finding no additional threats, they went to investigate the gunfire. They rounded to the other side of the building and found Blake pinned down by two grunts and one Elite. Two shots later and two less Grunts, they went to work on the Elite. After the two Grunts were down the Elite swung around and growled. It lifted up his arm and prepared to fire his plasma rifle, but before it could, Pvt. Blake fired four quick shots right at the back of the Elites head. Blood erupted from its skull, killing it instantly. A plasma bullet caught Blake in the back and he went down. "Shit! The other building!" Bellowed Sergeant Reece as they came under fire.
* * * * * * * * * *
The rest of the way to the insertion zone went pretty smoothly. The Master Chief spent most of the time checking and re-checking all of his gear, and by the time they had landed, the MC had checked all of his gear at least twice. The insertion zone wasn't more than fifty yards from where the Warthog was parked and those fifty yards were covered quickly. As he neared the opening in the fence he peered through the scope of his MA7B assault rifle. He spotted two burning buildings to his right and one burning building to his left. Also to his left he saw two marines pinned down by the Covenant, and another marine down. The Master Chief focused on a Grunt's head and fired. Blood sprayed out of its head as it crumbled to the ground. He adjusted his aim twice and fired each time. One Grunt and Elite fell to the ground, and the remaining two marines took care of the rest. As the two marines reloaded and continued firing, the Master Chief went over to the down marine and checked his vital signs. He was still alive but not well. He then picked up the down marine and carried him in a fireman carry. When the shooting had ceased the Master Chief went over to the two marines and sat the injured marine up against the wall that used to be the back of the first building. "Master Chief." Saluted the two marines. "We're happy to have you here. I'm Sergeant Reece and this is Pvt. Herdendez. We're part of Alpha team. He is Pvt. Blake." Sergeant Reece motioned to the marine sitting up against the wall. "Is he ok?" "He is alive but barley. He's going to need medical attention as soon as possible." "I see. Thanks for your help. Alright let's move out!" Ordered Sergeant Reece as he picked up Pvt. Blake. "We would be more than happy if you would come with us." The Master Chief nodded and followed the marines towards the main part of the base. When they were within 100 yards from the rest of the buildings, Bravo team greeted them. The two teams acknowledge each other and then moved on. Five minutes later they came upon a checkpoint with two Elites guarding the entrance to the main base. "Herdendez and Lust move up and try to flank the two Elites. Then when in range use your combat knifes." Spoke Sergeant Collins of Bravo team through his shoulder mike. The two marines nodded and moved up. It took two minutes to flank the Elites without noise, and get within range for their knifes. When they were within range they unsheathed their combat knifes and inched closer and closer to the two Elites, and then without warning slashed out and sliced their enemies' throats. Before the two Elites could hit the ground, the marines grabbed them by the arms and dragged them into the bushes. "All clear." Reported Lust. Thirty seconds later the marines and the Master Chief were reunited with Herdendez and Lust. After the Knifes were wiped and cleaned and put back in their places, they all moved on. It took no more than another ten minutes to make it to the perimeter of the larger complex. From what they could see, there were varies numbers of Grunts and other Covenant scattered through out the complex. Sergeant Collins, who had taken point, clamped his left hand over his right fist signaling stealth unless weapons were necessary. Everyone acknowledged and split up. The Master Chief went with Alpha team since Blake us unable to move on and was lied down in some high weeds until they came back for him. The MC, Sergeant Reece, and Pvt. Herdendez moved on and disappeared around the back of a two-story building.