
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'halo for starters, part 1: PoA'

12:09 pm | March 28, 2003
This story can be mad into a Play
12:09 pm | March 28, 2003
made* ops hehe
12:18 pm | March 27, 2003
Hey french are you retarted can you even spell one word right. I mean look at your comment I couldn't even read it.
Neco Divad
1:07 am | March 27, 2003
*yawns* What... Oh, it's over. Finally. I couldn't understand it. Stories need to be more like,
["Jeff, run that a way," George yelled.] Not,
[Pat: run theere Jeff: look at that thingf!]

I'm just trying to help. Typos will kill a story. A few will slide, but not in the amount as here.
Anthony French
6:29 pm | March 25, 2003
wat soh confyusinge aboute mi aurtograf, iu cante undherestande hite, ho i see what You're saying and i'll try to enhance it next time.
11:08 pm | March 24, 2003
The grammer sucked but some parts delivered minor laughs.
5:03 pm | March 24, 2003
Lots of laughs. Your grammar in the story was horrible, but it was still entertaining.

I like comedies, like diablo's and a few others posted here (that Random story was very funny too, etc.). This one had the same feel of laughs and wit. Keep it up.
2:35 pm | March 24, 2003
It was funny, id like to hear more.
3:04 am | March 24, 2003
Well it was pretty good, and funny(especially if you're me) once you get used to the typos and the way he wrote it. What's kinda weird, is I have a friend that his name is anthony, and we call him ant. Thanks for using me and my series in your story Anthony. :)
1:21 am | March 24, 2003
What happened?
9:58 pm | March 23, 2003
Agreed. I am surprised at how much fan fic gets through with typos, after the new rules were implemented.
9:54 pm | March 23, 2003
Whoh annoying format and many many typos.
