
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Marooned Chapter 12'

3:13 pm | January 16, 2004
Very nice story. Slow on the action, but I can see the build up. Keep it coming please :o)
3:31 am | January 15, 2004
Nice story, I give this a B+
Steve Ollett
9:13 pm | January 13, 2004
To Horror: The reason why they found the structure is they followed the last bearing that the Covenant dropship took when it flew away from the LZ. Trust me, the Covenant are nearby and Zoran is about to make a BIG mistake...

To Agent Shade: Ryan knows LOTS of people, some of them are quite high ranking, plus he is a veteran of many campaigns - you might get to read about this at a later date - some of them not against the Covies so there will have been situations where he will be aware that the DIR had been used to locate an underground bunker, or base that was carved into an asteroid, etc.

The DIR isn't anything that special, I mean the equipment on the Mars Express Orbiter has a basic version of what I want the DIR to do in my story. Except the DIR is vastly more powerful, operates at a higher resolution, etc.
Agent Shade
7:48 pm | January 13, 2004
interesting, very impressive naturally...are these marines men from ONI or something....i just don't feel that a Sergeant of the Marine Corps would know so much about a DIP....oh well, keep writing
4:32 pm | January 13, 2004
I'm suprised one of the marines hasn't suggested that a covenant dropship might not even be in this structure. But if there isn't, what to do...
