
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Return of the Archons (part 3) - Exodus Denied'

4:16 pm | November 26, 2003
I can't believe I have waited so long to read these stories. They are like a great hidden tale and we should feel special because only those of us at HBO have the honor of reading these.
5:45 pm | July 29, 2002
It was so important that I repeated myself. Oops! Now I know what happens when I click refresh and the message comes up that I will repost the information...
5:24 pm | July 29, 2002
Lucky? I wouldn't know, lucky to me is the guy that invented the paperclip. But thanks and Arch, you rule! Anyhows, I don't know how to talk to vector40 so my email address is wyamauchi@msn.com. Please email me if you are serious about me joining Zenith. I am honored and would like to find out more. I'll keep an eye on my bulk mail (where everything goes these days), hopefully I won't miss the mail between the "you have won 1 billion dollars if" and the "new wonder drug" spam I get. Thanks all.
4:46 pm | July 29, 2002
4:53 am | July 29, 2002
Thanks for the info on Zenith. Wow.
9:32 pm | July 28, 2002
Damn, that's one hell of an honor, to be asked to join Zenith! Highly skilled writers get all the luck....lol
6:39 pm | July 28, 2002
No, actually Zenith isn't abuncha lawyers.. those we could make osme money that way. I like it.. good idea.. Kidding. Zenith is a top-knotch writer's guild. Talk to Vector40 if you must.
5:24 pm | July 28, 2002
Thanks all. You inspire me to be a better writer. Arch these stories take some time, but maybe not as much as you give me credit for. Most of the background material is from stuff I've been thinking about for the last 20 years so it flows fairly quickly for me. Say Nike, I'm probably sounding pretty stupid, but what do you mean by "Have you joined Zenith"? I'm guessing from saturn's comments that has something to do with lawyers (err LA businessmen). Thanks again.
5:15 am | July 28, 2002




1:17 am | July 28, 2002
brilliant. that's a new word. starts peeing on the shoes of LA businessmen a many while you people cry. That's the hobo life. Ramen, does the wallet good.
6:52 pm | July 27, 2002
Boy, would Vector40 be proud. Have you joined Zenith? If you got time, you should join if you haven't already. Beautiful.
1:23 pm | July 27, 2002
*pats el_halo_diablo on the back* There there, my friend. Yes it is a beautiful work of highly violent and destructive art, but then again, anything highly violent and destructive with as much work put into it as this is beautiful....
3:36 am | July 27, 2002
its....*snivels*....BUEATIFULL!!! *starts crying*
6:57 pm | July 26, 2002
Love your writing brilliant.
5:31 pm | July 26, 2002
Pretty friggin' good, as always! Man, you rule!
