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Showing results (1806-1808) of 1921

c438_analysis.jpg Description: c438_analysis.jpg
Size: 257K
Screen size: 1024x1327
Created by Alexei TND. Also available in its original, very large size (1080x1400, 303K).
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callibre_cortana.jpg Description: callibre_cortana.jpg
Size: 23K
Screen size: 264x391
Created by Callibre. "I saw the movie Underworld and thought that Kate Beckinsale resembles Cortana a bit. So I wondered what Cortana would look like in a movie if she was played by Kate Beckinsale. So I used 3 different photographs of Kate Beckinsale and put them all together and modified her eyes and much more to make her look like Cortana."
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cartoonspart.jpg Description: cartoonspart.jpg
Size: 89K
Screen size: 1024x1024
Created by Raulboy. Also available in its original, very large size (1500x1500, 150K).
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